Photo Pop

Photo pop

This image is an example of how to add some "pop" to your pictures and have views focus more on a particular portion of the picture. To do this, use the Rectangular Marquee tool to place a frame around the portion of the photo you want to pop, tilt it, and add a stroke around the frame. You can also add a Drop Shadow effect to the layer to make it seem like that portion is coming out of the rest of the picture. To view the complete tutorial, click here.

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Selective Coloring

Selective coloring

This picture is an example of how you can do selective coloring in Photoshop to spotlight certain parts of a picture. To create this effect, you first desaturate the image, then add a layer mask with your foreground to black and the background to white. Then, using the Brush tool, you wipe across the areas you want to reveal the desired color or colors. You can also add a Blur effect and use Blending on the image. To view the complete tutorial, click here.

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Text Masking


This image is an example of how to use the Photoshop text masking tool. To create this effect, use the Texk Mask tool to type out your text, click the Move tool, then copy and paste to make it a new layer. You can then move the text to a new position that contrasts with the type you just made and add the desired effects to this layer. This technique usually works best when using an image that has two contrasting colors. To view the complete tutorial, click here.

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